Our website is under maintenance, stay tuned for our new look
Contact us: info@peopleactfortunisia.org
Donations: Tunisia-International

About us
Since 2012, we support communities in areas of high deprivation to work collectively to give children, young people and emerging artists the best start in life.
We do this because we believe education and art are the path to a better life.
Every year, 1000 pupils, 11 schools, 1 art festival
Our Vision
PAcT is committed to promoting equal opportunities in Tunisia
Our Mission
The advancement of education by:
- Providing of school materials and equipment
- Refurbishing and building of schools and libraries
- Providing transport to school
The prevention and relief of poverty by:
- Providing access to basic utility services for homes in difficult areas
- Engaging in social business initiatives
- Supporting Tunisian artists to attend international or local programmes
- Supporting local art initiatives

Our Values
Collaboration – Integrity – Respect