

TuniSphëre is an International Contemporary Art Exhibition in Tunisia. 

The exhibition is an interactive event by “The South” for ”The South” (Southern Mediterranean, Africa, Southern America…) 
  • Local artists studios are the main sites of the collaborative exhibition where artists from Tunisia welcome in their own workspaces international artists to share creations, ideas, spaces  
  • Curators/Artists are from ”The South” 
Centred around local communities (artists studios, works production, workshops), TuniSphëre also aspires throughout the year to support the local art activity through sponsoring specific skills programs in partnership with local and regional training centres  (art works handling/installations/ cleaning; guide, mediators, security management of cultural event; video/sound/light technical engineering …)
TuniSphëre aims indeed to help create an art ecosystem in the country, and the region.

Tunis is the main site (most artists studios are in Tunis); and for the following editions, TuniSphëre will program smaller scale/timings exhibitions in artists studios in the rest of the country. 

TuniSphëre aims to welcome a partner from “The South” to co-share the curation every year.

The Team

Amel Ben Attia
"Patria Delenda Est" curator